Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998) - Review

Ever After is a retelling of Cinderella.

That's it!  Review over!  See you next time, folks!

But seriously, what more is there to say about this?  I mean... it's a perfectly fine movie; it's got some charm, Drew Barrymore is adorable, etc.  But really... there's almost no point in doing a review of this, because there's literally nothing I can add to it.  It speaks for itself.  It's a Cinderella movie; there ya go.

I guess I can provide a bit of background.  I've never been a big fan of Cinderella.  I'd even go as far to say that it's one of my least favorite "classic" Disney movies, in a sea of films that I don't really like in the first place.  Snow White, Pinocchio, Cinderella... I don't share much of a fondness for any of these.  Sure, they're classics, I suppose, but I didn't enjoy these very much as a kid and I don't really enjoy them now.

Stories like that have been so ingrained in the public consciousness that I can't really enjoy them anymore, especially since I have precious little nostalgia attached to them.  I actually think Pinocchio in particular is rather terrifying, especially as a kid.  But I digress.

There's nothing wrong with this movie at all.  In fact, it's probably the best adaptation of Cinderella.  But at the end of the day, it's still an adaptation of Cinderella.

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