Saturday, February 28, 2015

Once Bitten (1985) - Review

I always love to go back and watch a famous actor in his budding, early roles.  Sometimes it’s a bit embarrassing, like Tom Hanks in Mazes and Monsters.  Just watch Spoony’s review of the film.  And seriously, just go watch Spoony in general.  But sometimes, like in Jim Carrey’s case, you get a fun little piece of fluff.  It’s nothing great, but as far as vampire movies go... you can do FAR worse.  Well, I guess there’s Vampire’s Kiss (an early Nic Cage film), but this one isn’t absolutely insane.

The reason to watch this is to check out a super young and, in the right light, handsome Jim Carrey being slapstick-y and funny, even back then.  The plot is nothing special; Jim Carrey is horny, meets a vampire, gets bitten, and starts to do vampy things!  You’ve seen it before in other 80s movies.

Feldman.  Corey Feldman.
This movie IS the 80s.  This movie isn’t as cheesy as The Lost Boys (or at least not in the same way), and it’s not dull like Fright Night.  This one was silly even for the time, and has only gotten goofier after thirty years.  I liken it most to Earth Girls Are Easy, another incredibly silly yet fun 80s time capsule (that also happens to feature Jim Carrey).

I wish I had more to say about it, but what you see is what you get with Once Bitten.  Just look at that doofy poster and you’ll know what you’re in for.  If Carrey’s big dumb hair and the scantily clad Countess in the back don’t at least give you a grin, then maybe skip this one because fun just obviously isn’t your thing.

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