Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Scary Movie 5 (2013) - Review

If you’ve read any of my other reviews of parody movies, you’ll know that I do not really care for the genre.  This series is no exception.  While Scary Movie 3 is passably funny, the rest of the series leaves me pretty cold... especially when they spoof Buffy in the first one – seriously, have any of the writers ever seen Buffy?  It already spoofs horror tropes, goddammit!  Ugh.

But despite that, I can’t bring myself to get too mad at these movies anymore.  They used to be good for raging about, and they used to be good to laugh at the incompetence of the filmmaking, but now they’re not really good for much of anything.

David Zucker returns as a writer for this installment, and it does have more in common with the third and fourth installments than the decidedly worse Wayans films.  Speaking of which, this movie is far superior to the godawful A Haunted House, which I watched only a couple weeks prior to this.

Yes.  That is a monkey.  LAUGH, dammit!
Overall, this movie is about as bland as it gets.  There are a couple of very minor chuckles, but most of the movie misses the mark, as expected.  However, this really isn’t AS bad as you might think, but still comes pretty far from receiving an Official So Good It’s Awesome Stamp of Approval.

I guess if it happens to be on while you’re at a party or something, you don’t have to leave (which is not the case if they’re watching Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans, or Disaster Movie – in those cases, evacuate immediately).  But even my antisocial personality would likely prefer to mingle with a crowd I barely like.

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